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The Full Story

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POW POW AND HENDRIX follow two rambunctious pre-teen boys as they make their whole neighborhood a playground. When a baffoon drug dealer tries to move in, the tight knit community is ready to protect its own. 


Pow Pow and Hendrix is an over-the-top slapstick comedy. A live action Roadrunner cartoon.


As with all Garrison projects, Pow Pow and Hendrix is ALL VOLUNTEER so 100% of all proceeds can go to charity. No one, is financially compensated.


SCOTT WEGENER  has been based in Cincinnati since 1986. His zero budget films have earned four Emmy Awards, and have been shot across the United States, in Prague, Norway, London and Martinique.






POW POW-African American male 12 years old. He is street wise and extremely protective of his little brother Hendrix. He is brave and always alert to dangers of the street, while still out to have a normal childhood, exploring, visiting the neighborhood candy, comics store. He and Hendrix are also best friends.

HENDRIX-African American male, ten years old. Wide eyed, adorable innocent urban street kid. He has been so well protected by Pow Pow and the rest of the neighborhood, that he is blissfuly unaware that there are dangers lurking all around him.

DRUG DEALER-African American Male, 20’s-30’s, never named, skinny, sinister crook whose objective is get kids, especially Pow Pow and Hendrix addicted to his DRUGZ, using ridiculous hair brained schemes that always fail, always causing slapstick harm to himself. He wears a giant purple, sloopy hat, floor length duster coat, and an absurd amount of gold chains.

AUNT KATHY-African American female, 50-60 years old. Not really anyone’s aunt, but she treats everyone, especially Pow Pow and Hendrix as no flak from neighborhood troublemakers. She carries cane that she doesn’t really need, but uses to smack troublemakers with the power of a MLB batter.

MR. OWENS-AFRICAN AMERICAN MALE- 40’S 50’S. Owns the neighborhood fish market. Likes Pow Pow and Hendrix. Doesn’t get too involved in neighborhood drama, just wants to run his business.

DAYSHAN-African Male, 20-25 years old. 6 foot 6” 290 pounds. This all muscle street tough doesn’t seem to have a job. He hangs out with other tough guys on the corner. He’s really a nice guy but takes advantage of his appearance to keep anyone from making trouble with him. He has absolutely no use for Drug Dealer, and has no problem smacking him around if he causes trouble.

FLUFFY-Pit Bull-Very friendly to everyone except Drug Dealer, whom he rips apart any chance he gets. Lives in a fenced vacant yard, unchained. There is one loose fence board he gets out from when chasing Drug Dealer.

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